The climate is changing why aren’t we?
By : Ouled Sebtia Hajar
On our planet, not only humans are impacted by the climate crisis. The
world’s wildlife does as well. and it’s facing profound, catastrophic,
change. The temperature increases trigger the collapse of fragile
ecosystems and huge waves of extinction, The choices we make today
have the power to reduce the suffering of animals in the future.
Climate change threatens animal wildlife :
Animals are very useful creatures to not only humans but to the world, they
can be used for various reasons like food, transportation, material uses, and
safety and recreation. But the rate at which various animals are going
extinct in Africa, Brazil, the USA, and Australia is shocking, and there is
not much done about this problem. What we need to know is that animal
extinction is a world problem that needs to be tackled before it gets out of
According to The World Wide Fund For Nature, The rapid loss of
species we are seeing today is estimated by experts to be between 1,000
and 10,000 times higher than the natural extinction rate. The environment
is not always friendly to animals and this is one of the reasons why some
animals go extinct.
And we have For e.g, The North Atlantic right whale, teeters on the
brink of extinction, with an estimated 336 individual animals remaining,
the lowest count in 20 years. A warming ocean, coupled with a failure to
decrease conflicts with humans (vessel strikes and entanglement in fishing
gear), could drive this species to extinction.
And Thankfully, to see it from a positive side we have a powerful ally in
our fight against climate change: animals and the ecosystems they are part
of. The United Nations estimates that healthy ecosystems could account for
37% of the carbon reductions needed to limit global temperature rise.
For example, whales play a significant role in supporting healthy marine
ecosystems. Whale poop provides nutrients to phytoplankton. Like plants,
phytoplankton captures large amounts of CO2 and converts it to energy,
removing carbon from the atmosphere.
Elephants play important roles in engineering healthy ecosystems that in
turn absorb CO2 and keep it out of the atmosphere. Elephants disperse
seeds, fertilize the soil, dig wells, create trails for other animals, and clear
space that encourages new plant growth.
Pangolins eat ants and termites, keeping those populations regulated, and
excavate dens that are used by other animals, both of which are essential in
the ecosystems where pangolins live.
And many many other animals play equally important roles in the
ecosystems where they live to keep them liveable and healthy.
To conclude, the effects of climate change. requires observation of the
natural world and its changes. We live on this planet and we need to
protect it. We need to take it seriously and know that climate change is
happening, it’s real and it’s our fault. The evidence is overwhelming, our
planet is changing faster than it ever has before. I Hope we human’s come
to our senses now and acknowledge the fact that we are moving towards a
climate emergency and there’s a need to take immediate action.