
First Israel-Morocco commercial flight

Next week Jared Kushner, also known as Donald Trump’s son in law and adviser, will take the first commercial flight from Israel to Morocco to emphasise the re-establishement of diplomatic relations between the two countries. 

Tomorrow the 21st of December, Jared Kushner will meet the prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel, then accompanied by an American delegation and by Meir.Ben-Shabbat he will fly to Morocco the following day, it is very probable that they will be on an El Al flight as it is the company that has been chosen for his visit to the UAE for the same reasons. Even before the re-establishment of diplomatic relations between Morocco and Israel, King Mohammed VI has approved the decision to teach Jewish history and culture in primary schools in Morocco. A decision that takes the country many steps forward, towards religions acceptance and away from religious extremism. 

Morocco is now the fourth Arab league country to establish diplomatic relations with Israel after the UAE, Bahrain, and Sudan.

‘‘Adient’’ the US automotive company has announced new projects in Morocco following the announcement made by the US ambassador in Morocco that states that the US will announce measures to improve economic ties with Morocco and promote American investment in the country. This US diplomatic visit is the first after Donald Trump has issued a presidential proclamation recognising Morocco’s sovereignty over Western-Sahara. 

Basma Benabdallah

Basma Benabdallah is a dynamic and passionate aspiring journalist who strives to make a positive change via her writing and to be the voice of everyone who deserves to be heard. Although she is proficient and experienced in a range of genres, her primary sources of inspiration are Culture and Society. She also enjoys photo-reporting, which she did for the first time in her professional life when she worked as a photo-reporter in India for the cause of gender equality.