
The Bright Side of COVID-19

Mother earth is taking a break from the human activity; it might get better and healthier in the upcoming days.

It is true that the COVID-19 outbreak has turned the world upside down leaving so many people around the world under lockdown . However, there is a silver lining behind this unwelcome phenomenon.

Due to lockdown’s draconian measures that were imposed by the world’s authorities; mother earth appears to have taken a break from all what is related to human beings. Apparently, the limitation of the economic activities and the downturn of flights and vehicles’ is paying off.

Human beings were putting too much pressure on the natural world which implies a big threat to planet earth as well as the environment. Nonetheless, what humans failed to improve until this very year, is astonishingly managed by this deadly pandemic.

As of April 2020, NASA satellite data revealed a significant reduction of air pollution and captured pictures of several regions from space to prove that mother earth is getting healthier. It also demonstrated that Atmospheric nitrogen dioxide (NO2) are down which has caused beneficial changes in the atmosphere.

The World’s Meteorological Organization (WMO) latest data highlighted that Carbon dioxide is at record levels and is 18% higher compared to 2015 and 2019. One should also note that CO2 is essential for human internal respiration and increases plants growth.

Mother earth is breathing easily without the human activity. Species are in retreat, oceans and skies are transparent, and streets are quiet. All these beautiful news help improve air quality, reduce heart attacks and the risks of asthma… This pandemic is in effect proving to be good for the environment.

Loubna El Alaoui

Hi there, let me walk you through my humble personal and professional life! My name's Loubna and I am a Moroccan web editor, investigator and journalism student. I've always been fond of writing, for it helps me get things clear in my head and reduce stress. I began writing some personal articles that I only shared with some very close friends of mine, and now, a humble number of people read my articles about life, environment, society... Before I held my BA in English Literature, so many people and teachers told me that I could be a great journalist. Well guess what....? After so many experiences, I found my passion and what I truely want to do with my life. And now I'm working on my masters degree in Journalism and Media.