
New Measures to Reduce the Spread of Covid-19

The Moroccan Ministry of Education has announced that Morocco will cancel local exams for sixth and ninth graders due to the critical number of cases related to the novel virus

After that Morocco’s Ministry of Education and the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) have announced that it signed an agreement to make preschool education mandatory. Morocco’s Ministry of Education announces that the kingdom of Morocco will cancel final exams for 6th and 9th grades.

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The former announced this very move today and highlighted that this decision is related to the current epidemiological situation. Other than that, the final exams were forecasted to occur in the third week of the following month.

According to a local source, Said Amzazi who happens to be the Minister of Education, noted earlier this month that the education and health ministries had counted a total of 13K positive cases among students, teachers and all the other members of schools in Morocco.

Furthermore, the number of public and private schools that closed and adopted remote education methods have reached 575 since the start of the academic year.

In fact, the kingdom of Morocco is barely getting Covid-19 under control, since it reports thousands of positive cases and an important number of deaths on a daily basis. And until this very day, health authorities have confirmed up to 437K cases and 7K deaths.

Eventually, the Moroccan health authorities came up with this well-thought-out decision to ensure students’ as well as teachers’ safety.

Loubna El Alaoui

Hi there, let me walk you through my humble personal and professional life! My name's Loubna and I am a Moroccan web editor, investigator and journalism student. I've always been fond of writing, for it helps me get things clear in my head and reduce stress. I began writing some personal articles that I only shared with some very close friends of mine, and now, a humble number of people read my articles about life, environment, society... Before I held my BA in English Literature, so many people and teachers told me that I could be a great journalist. Well guess what....? After so many experiences, I found my passion and what I truely want to do with my life. And now I'm working on my masters degree in Journalism and Media.