
The national security engaged citizens in the head of “The emergency violations”

The national security directorate released on Tuesday,May 5th a new website, available to everyone through “”, dedicated for communication between all citizens and actors of the NSD concerning the infraction of measures taken after applying the health emergency state all over the country since March.

The main goals from this initiative

This service is providing the possibility to moroccans for a collaboration with the police to face the propagation of Covid-19 virus and reduce this pandemic

According to the national security directorate

Without forgetting the daily work done by  the agents responsible for answering citizens’ calls to report cases of quarantine transgression, on the emergency line 19 and the authorities that are working day and night for our safety. 

In which cases we can use this service?

To communicate an act of breaking the law N°2.20.292, related to emergency state dispositions and its statement measures.

Then the law N°2.20.293, based on declaring this state throughout the moroccan territory.

What are the laws N°2.20.292 and N°2.20.293?


Issued on 03-23-2020, relating to the enactment of provisions  specific to the state of health emergency and the procedures for announcing it.

Consists of 7 articles, according to a decree that is shared between the Ministry of Interior and Health,through which all urgent procedures are specified in some regions or the entire national territory when necessary.

Which gives the authorities during this period powers to take all necessary measures imposed by the aforementioned situation,and to intervene immediately. 


 Issued on 03-24-2020, consists of 5 articles and it came in implementation of the provisions of decree-law N°2.20.292 previous to it, preventing people from leaving their homes, were identified with taking precautions necessary according to the directions of health authorities.

As well as preventing any movement of every person outside of his place of residence except in certain exceptional cases such as work,medication,acquisition of necessary food or pharmacy products.

How is users personal data protected ?  

This portal took into consideration the respect for the protection of personal data for users,in coordination with the interests of the national committee for the protection of personal data.

Which established a regular framework based on preserving all the informations collected through electronic portal,all stored and exploited within security protocols with the controlled supervision of the qualified  engineers and technicians.  

What can we avoid through contributing in this program?

Respecting the emergency state rules could save us from internal and external gatherings,which may be a suitable place for the propagation of the virus and automatically threaten the public health

This could also prevent the society from opening illegally shops and establishments that receive people for no necessary reasons in this period.

So stay home, stay safe!

Aya Bhilat

My name is Aya Bhilat, an Ilcs student majoring in journalism and communication for my Bachelor's degree. I'm an editor in the school magazine and also a web editor on I started writing when I was 13 years old by writing short articles about documentaries and TV programs that I used to watch by that time, and sometimes just for fun through expressing myself and talking about the topics that concerned me in that period(sports, international matters, culture, music and environment) One day I decided to share one of my articles with my dad and my philosophy teacher that was amazed with my writing style and gave me golden advice by telling me that I certainly should be a journalist in the future. 2 years after I graduated from high school, I finally followed my teenage dream and the passion that I enjoy doing. And today, I'm very glad and grateful that I belong to our family team and to share my articles with a larger audience.