Suicidal thoughts and ways to prevent suicide.
By Jemaa El Bahraoui
Suicidal thoughts are very real and a very valid concern. Young people are the most vulnerable to commit suicide. In fact, it is the second leading cause of death among 15- to 29-year-olds globally. There is a stigma associated with mental health issues in countries like the Philippines. It can be very hard for people to seek help, but experts agree that with collective effort suicide can be prevented.
So what can you do? If you experience suicidal thoughts yourself. Don’t be afraid to talk about it with other people. Reach out to someone you trust or get professional help. Having someone with you is already a big step. Know that your feelings should be acknowledged and examined not ignored.
You can also look out for warning signs among people you care about. Do they mention wanting to kill themselves? Do they express hopelessness or feeling trapped? Are they withdrawn from their daily routine? Do they show extreme mood swings? If your friend seems troubled, offer an open and listening ear. Be calm and patient and do your best not to invalidate your friend’s feelings. When your friend is ready, you can help them seek more professional guidance. Beyond this, you should also support organizations that advocate suicide prevention and help push for government policies that promote proper mental health. Getting rid of the stigma towards mental illness and helping address issues surrounding suicide start with you being open, understanding and vocal about these real and difficult concerns. Teaching others to be more sensitive and engaged can save lives from your own to the ones you love.